My Walt is doing mathletics my so what is I learned that we have to do earn 1000 to get my bronze certificate then 5 bronze to get the silver certificate.4 silver to get the gold certificate my now what is to earn my silver then gold
SRL I have been doing work on words spelling! My Walt is SRL my so what is trying to earn points my now what is to earn all the points and get my restricted license
At school we have been learning about maths. The Walt is solve These subtractions which involve trading. I learn that 9543-3768 =5875 I think or know that because look in the photo it is the first one! My next step is DO NOT USE MY HANDS!
This week I have learnt daily 5 for example work on writing/read to self/read to someone/listen to reading.Daily 5 is also when we try not to break stamina we'll reading to self.